Monday, January 17, 2011

At a Loss

Well I have my box completed as I said. I can't take any pictures of the just completed box my camera is broken and is out for repairs. The picture shown here is another box I made a little while ago for my daughters friend. At least I got my money back for materials on this one. I hope I hear from the camera repair people soon. Now I have to try and figure out what my next project will be. I will have to go through my patterns or come up with a idea to draw. I will let you know what I decided.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Enjoy your Hobby

This is a hobby to me that I enjoy doing, not a job. But instead of giving away my work to friends and family, I am selling some of them to help support my hobby so I can continue on without breaking the bank. Not that I still won't give some away. I just don't want to loose interest in my hobby turning it into a job. I'm sure you all know how that goes.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

My workstation..

I thought everyone would like to see my studio where I do my glass work and designs. Most days my light table (the white one) has several projects in the works. Currently, you can see my unfinished candy canes I am currently working on. In the background, if you look closely, you can see my glass grinder and my saw. My soldering table (the brown one) has my newest memory box/urn in the finishing stages. I will post more pictures of that later on in the week. Hope you enjoy the pictures, and keep checking back for more postings. I will be posting a survey in the near future on what everyone would like to see me create next.....